Overland Park Fire Department conducts training at Whole Foods Market

Overland Park Fire Department Conducts Training – taps Luke Draily for construction segment

Overland Park Fire Department Trainees learn from Luke Draily Senior Superintendent, Rick Wantland.


Our Senior Superintendent Rick Wantland was asked to give the construction portion of training session conducted by Overland Park Fire Department for its new trainees. It took place on his current project, Whole Foods Market new build off 119th St. & Metcalf in OP, KS.

He worked with the group to educate them on general construction of buildings. He spoke about fire proofing , FDC connections, fire truck traffic (fire lane) egress training, fire safety, Knox box access and why they are required.

Rick also spoke about emergency lighting, exit signs, and the importance of emergency exit stairways to guarantee occupants’ escape of buildings quickly and safely, including providing people with mobility challenges handrails and treads.

He then took them up on the roof of the building as he explained exactly how a roof is installed. He spoke about fall protection, PP&E and all aspects of construction.

We hope the trainees got a good understanding of how knowledgeable contractors and properly constructed spaces aid in and help fire departments work to save time and lives; especially in emergency situations. Thank you to the Overland Park Fire Department for reaching out to us!